The recent tragedy at Batang Kali highlights the importance of ensuring that tourism in Selangor is sustainable, safe and in harmony with the environment.
Currently , tourism industry is recovering from the pandemic and a lot of changes in the tourism industry and there are so many new developments and trends like camping , glamping and caravan , but i think there is a need to relook on the latest trends.
As a tourism association, it is our responsibility to ensure that the camping industry in Selangor is developed in a manner that prioritizes the safety of tourists, the well-being of the environment and the preservation of our natural heritage.
we hope the guidelines we will be discussing today aim to achieve just that.
We recognize that the camping industry has the potential to bring significant economic benefits to the state, and we are committed to promoting responsible and sustainable tourism practices.
We understand that the challenges we face are complex and multifaceted, but with the right approach and cooperation, we believe that we can achieve a harmonious balance between tourism and the environment in Selangor.
I would like to congratulate Selangor State Govt esp YB for thinking forward
so today ive been given a task on a short presentation on challenges and expectation of the tourism players on camping industry.
My presentation title “ Camping in Selangor , towards to the harmonious balance between tourism and the environment.
A little bit about MITA – iIT s an NGO OF INBOUND TOURISM which focusing on bringing international tourist to malaysia, bringing foreign money to malaysia and bringing investiment to malaysia.. This is our focus and we have 3,650 companies as our members and 37% of our members are in Selangor . That’s why its important to work together with Selangor State govt esxpecially Tourism Selangor .
Yesterday , i had a meeting Singaporean travel agent who brought in 7,000 singaporean students into Malaysia in 2019 and he said he is a bit sceptical to bring to Malaysia as he feels a lot of landslide in Malaysia .. from Highland Tower to Madrasah Hulu Langat to Bungalow UK Height to Batang Kali.
Same goes to our other counterparts from other countries . It looks like we have a perception problem which in their mind, they feel that Malaysia has a major problems of landlslide. Therefore we really hope a good outcome came from the workshop
Some challenges faced by travel agents in Malaysia who want to promote camping packages in Malaysia include:
- Limited camping sites:Due to great demand of camping activities after pandemic of covid 19 , Malaysia has a limited number of designated camping sites, which can make it difficult for travel agents to find suitable locations to include in their packages.
- Environmental concerns: Travel agents must take care to ensure that the camping packages they promote are environmentally friendly and sustainable.
- Weather: Unpredictable weather can affect camping plans and make it difficult for travel agents to guarantee a positive experience for clients.
- Safety: Safety is a major concern when it comes to camping, and travel agents must ensure that the camping packages they promote are safe for clients.
- Regulation: Travel Agents must make sure the venues are registered by the authority.
- Lack of awareness: Many Malaysians are not familiar with camping as a leisure activity, this can make it difficult for travel agents to attract customers.
- Limited information: Lack of information and lack of resources can make it difficult for travel agents to promote camping packages effectively.limited information on numbers of designated camping sites that are proven safe and approved by local council (PBT)- Zoning for camping
- Differentiation: There are so many types of camping , Travel agents must differentiate their camping packages from others in the market to attract customers, this can be challenging as camping is still not a well-known activity.